Ann Marie Callaway, composer
Photo courtesy of Glenda Wilson

The evocative and embracing resonance of the natural world is a pervasive theme in the music of Ann Callaway, a contributing director of Sonic Harvest.

Her works have been premiered by the Seattle (Concerto for Bass Clarinet) and St. Louis (Amethyst for soprano & orchestra) Symphony Orchestras, the New York New Music Ensemble, and Earplay. She has been composer in residence for Bella Musica and was the inaugural composer for Voci’s New Works Project, which commissioned On Music and Nature: Three Hopkins Settings (2015). The Peninsula Women’s Chorus recently performed Silvery Blue (2003, on her own poem on a local butterfly). Her 2020 project was Clamavi de tribulatione mea, a setting for double chorus of Jonah’s hymn of deliverance from the whale’s belly. 

Callaway is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and has held residencies at the MacDowell, Yaddo, and the Leighton Artist Colony in Banff. Her music is published by Subito Music Corp.
